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Mouse size and movement
Mouse size and movement
Updated over 3 months ago

Click the Cursor button in the Video Toolbar to access a set of features to remove the original mouse cursor from your recording and redraw it in a smoother style with adjustable size.

Mac or Windows Cursors

Choose whether your video should display Windows or macOS cursors. For instance, if you’re recording a browser application on your Mac but your audience primarily uses Windows, you might prefer to show Windows OS cursors in your video.

Cursor size

When creating a video tutorial, it's important to ensure your audience can easily follow your mouse movements. Use the Cursor Size slider to adjust the size of your mouse cursor to make it more prominent.

Mouse smoothing effects

To eliminate abrupt movements and "hesitations" in your mouse movements, apply a mouse smoothing effect. Use the Mouse Smoothing slider to adjust or remove the effect, ensuring smoother and more fluid cursor motion in your recording.

Auto-hide cursor when idle

In some videos, an idle cursor can be distracting. The Auto-hide feature addresses this by smoothly hiding the cursor with a subtle animation when it's inactive. You can adjust the threshold to determine how long the cursor remains idle before it’s hidden.

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